DJ Noah

So today a bunch of people are doing a photo shoot for DJ Noah’s website. DJ Noah is a Vancouver-based DJ, and probably one of the best I’ve ever heard – really great techno. He used to do Saturday nights at Graceland here, a long time ago, and also hosts Homebass on Citr on Friday nights here in Terminal city.

So because this is a photo (and video) shoot for a site, there is, of course, no audio currently. Which is wierd.. Watching Noah bounce and flick and twiddle with knobs and the like, without any beats to match the motions. And I’d never realised how noisy the mixing table. Everything makes noise! of course, normally, this is drowned out by pulsing techno, and the like.

So Day is designing the site, with Lauren managing the project. A couple of people Day met while teaching a design class at Bodwell Internet School are shooting the video. I don’t know them, but they seem pretty much on the ball here.

It’s also fun to watch Day at work. Having lived with him for a couple of years, I don’t know him in a professional way that much, even though we worked at the same company for a couple of years as well, we never really worked together, nor I did I have much chance to watch him manage people, somehow. He has a totally different tone in his voice – strangely, it’s much more hesitant than he is normally – I guess he doesn’t like directing people – of course, Day always works with friends, so it’s probably hard to ‘direct’ friends of yours like that.

I don’t know the timeline for the site, but check it out once it’s done, as it’ll probably be pretty cool. Hip even. And Day’s taken some stills from the shoot on my camera, so I’ll pop a couple of those up later so y’all can see the before, and then once the site launches,the afters.

2 Replies to “DJ Noah”

  1. Hey Steve,

    Yeah, it was interesting watching Noah work without hearing what he was playing. He sure bangs that fader around!

    It’s true that I have a work persona. I think I was particularly hestitant on this shoot for a few reasons. One, I’m not an expert in video, so it’s all an experiment for me. Two, I’m looking for lots of input from the crew, so I don’t want to sound too bossy. Three, nobody’s being paid, and I really am grateful for the help when I’m confident that the site will get me (in particular) some good attention.

    Working with friends is something that I’ve had lots of success with, but also some hard times. I’m really conscious that the projects I do with friends from here on in are lighthearted and rewarding for everybody. At the same time my standards are going up all the time. I also know all too well how easy it is to let a project slip into oblivion if there’s no leadership. Working with friends sure isn’t for everybody!

    Thanks again for the use of your space!


  2. Hey Steve,

    Yeah, it was interesting watching Noah work without hearing what he was playing. He sure bangs that fader around!

    It’s true that I have a work persona. I think I was particularly hestitant on this shoot for a few reasons. One, I’m not an expert in video, so it’s all an experiment for me. Two, I’m looking for lots of input from the crew, so I don’t want to sound too bossy. Three, nobody’s being paid, and I really am grateful for the help when I’m confident that the site will get me (in particular) some good attention.

    Working with friends is something that I’ve had lots of success with, but also some hard times. I’m really conscious that the projects I do with friends from here on in are lighthearted and rewarding for everybody. At the same time my standards are going up all the time. I also know all too well how easy it is to let a project slip into oblivion if there’s no leadership. Working with friends sure isn’t for everybody!

    Thanks again for the use of your space!


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