new look.

Last night, I played around a little bit with my stylesheets and made some changes. The body text is now Arial, and 11px, as opposed to Verdana and 12px. So it should me a fair bit smaller for most people.

I also ‘minimalized’ by scroll bars – they’re simply outlines now, and did the same to my form elements. I also fixed the disconnect between the site and the archives (which weren’t inheriting the style sheets and the like) and did some (really basic) formatting there. I’ll probably move those into templates that more closely match the rest of the site soon, but I’ve yet to find an image that I like to put on the left.

My next task is to get rid of the final use of tables, in my logo/navbar at top. Right now, it’s a 2-cell table, but I’ll probably replace it with two distinct DIVs – one for the logo, and one for the nav. I’m also considering extending the main content DIV by getting rid of the height delimiter. This would allow netscape users to browse further down the list of entries (which they currently can’t as NS doesn’t support the overflow attribute). Oh well – sometime soonish…kinda like this last update, which I’d originally intended to make about,oh, a week after I launched this puppy?

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