post christmas

Well, I’m back from Sooke, where the Tannock clan gathered this year in a monstrous “oceanfront Vacation home” called “Eagle’s Nest”, that really was quite luxurious, with an impressive view. Having been “on” since I arrived there christmas eve, I’m really glad to be home – I’m all peopled out for now. I love my family, but I don’t like large groups, no matter who they are. My nephews, who are becoming real people finally, are fun and all, but I tire of them rather quickly. Which suggests that perhaps I shouldn’t have kids, but we’ll argue that when the time comes.

The present-free christmas fizzled out and gifts were handed out to one and all. I’m very grateful for them all – I got some good books, but I was still happier last year I think when there were no presents. What I did like were our stockings, which each contained a small puzzle and some chocolates – yum!

Leah did very well with the family this year, although she’s a pro by now after last year’s trial by fire of both meeting them for the first time and spending a week with them. This year – one full day, an evening and a morning (not neccessarily in that order).

So a happy boxing day to one and all, and I hope all of you who celebrate christmas had a wonderful time. And remember. Each date is exactly one year on from the previous same date. So don’t believe the New Year’s Hype. We all know that the real new year is Labour day, which signals the start of a new scholastic year 🙂

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