
I wandered on down to Tinseltown today to catch ‘Adaptation’ finally. And all I can say is ‘whaaaa?’. I don’t know yet whether it’s genius or cop-out. One, of course, suspects the former, being who it is. But like any far-too-self-aware meta-work, there’s always that suspicion that maybe the self-references and self-awareness is really someone going ‘I don’t know what to do, so I guess I’ll say that’, which, in yet another level of this film, is what is going on this film.

But go see it. Really. Unless you don’t like movies that aren’t straightforward.

2 Replies to “Adaptation”

  1. Those are my thoughts exactly regarding Adaptation. The whole last 1/3 of the movie seemed to give in to the audience’s simple expectations.

    It was clever though, I’ll give it that. Nearly every standard he had set in the 1st half (split personalities, how trite! or screenplay workshops are for idiots!) were broken in the 2nd half.

    Nice bits of humor in there too.

  2. Those are my thoughts exactly regarding Adaptation. The whole last 1/3 of the movie seemed to give in to the audience’s simple expectations.

    It was clever though, I’ll give it that. Nearly every standard he had set in the 1st half (split personalities, how trite! or screenplay workshops are for idiots!) were broken in the 2nd half.

    Nice bits of humor in there too.

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