Macromedia MAX

So I’ve applied to be a speaker for the upcoming Macromedia MAX conference (yes, the one I griped about). Of course, I’ve no prior teaching experience (well, I ran some training seminars back in 1997, teaching Mac users how to user Windows NT 4, but that doesn’t really count), but I thought I’d throw my hat in the ring anyway.

The topics I’ve proposed I could talk about are:

  1. building accessible websites with cold fusion MX
  2. Best practices for Independent developers

Why these two? The first one because I’m interested in the topic, and do a lot regarding it. And so I’ve compiled a fair amount of knowledge about it, not all of it obvious. So I figure that it’s a good thing to share. The second stems directly from my experience at last year’s DevCon. It was all very exciting and all, but it was heavily targeted towards the large corporate shop with resources to burn. I felt that a few talks directed at the independent developer would be really useful. So I’d imagine talking about maximizing resources (developer editions! subscriptions!), organizing code, etc — mostly process-type things in this talk, rather than code specifics.

Of course, I’m sure they won’t accept me, having no real experience, but I would like to start giving talks and things, so I figured, ‘why not jump in the deep end and try at the largest Cold Fusion conference there is?’

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