CFMX 6.1 Enterprise/Window 2003 Bug

I believe I’ve discovered a fairly serious CFMX 6.1/Windows 2003 bug to do with SSL and/or SOAP. This call that I’m doing, a simple credit-card authorization script, works with the following combinations:

  • Windows 2000, CFMX 6.0 Professional
  • Windows 2000, CFMX 6.0 Enterprise
  • Windows 2003, CFMX 6.1 Professional

It however, doesn’t work running Windows 2003, CFMX 6.1 Enterprise. Which is really annoying, as our hosting company is slowly but surely upgrading all their CFMX servers to exactly that. Which is going to break many of ours, and presumably numerous other developers’ SOAP calls. The issue for us is that the call in question happens to be a Credit Card transaction call. Actually, IIRC, I got the same error making the transaction call using the old-school CFHTTP method also, so this could really weak havoc on many of my ecommerce sites.

It’s never fun to find a bug in a system that you need to use, but it does feel kinda cool to find a bug like this in released software.

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