Feeling the burn

On Sunday, I played my first ultimate of the season up at UBC in the rain. For some reason, the groundskeepers had some time ago cut the grass, and then just left the clippings. Which meant that there was both long grass and long grass-clippings. Mixed with a cold rain, and suddenly, my cleats were clogged after just a couple of steps.

Nevertheless, I had fun. I always enjoy the beginning-of-the-season tournament – it’s low-key, everyone’s there to have a good time, and you always see some old friends/foes. But man! Do I ever feel old today! It doesn’t help that I’ve come down with a cold, it’s appearance already certain due to Liam having a cold, but probably hastened by my being cold and wet all morning yesterday. My legs ache! My back is stiff! I feel old! I’ve used muscles that haven’t been used since, well, probably last summer’s ultimate season…

So now Tuesday, this year’s season begins, and I suspect that how I feel now will pale in comparison to how I’m going to feel on Wednesday…and yet, call me an idiot, I’m totally stoked.

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