Proud, but a little scared too

We’re on the bus today, and all of a sudden, Liam starts saying “BUZZ! BUZZ! BUZZ!” so I look around, and I can’t see anything buzzing, or hear any buzzing. Then, I see he’s looking at the little pamphlet holder behind us on the ‘wall’ of the bus. And what does it say? “the BUZZER”. So I point at the letters, and Liam happily shouts out: “BEEEE! YOUUUU! ZED! ZED! EMMMM! ARR!” (he always mixes up Ms, Ws, & Es, when looking at his bath letters too). The lady sitting next to us is now staring at us slack-jawed. Then I ask “Do you know what that says?” and He shouts “BUZZ! ARRRR! BUZZZ! ARRR!” So Apparently, Liam’s learning how to read. Not perfectly, but the fact that he can connect groups of letters into actual words just blows me away. That seems to be a large step from just identifying some letters, which is what I’ve seen him do before.

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