seven years!

Leah, in Halifax

Today is Leah’s & my seventh anniversary. These, without any shadow of a doubt, have been the best seven years of my life. It’s hard to describe just how much I love Leah, but, fully aware of how sappy this sounds when actually read, are some of the many reasons that we work so well:

  • Leah taught me how to experience emotions. That’s an odd one, but I was a pretty closed-off, emotionally unavailable person prior to being with Leah. She created the safe space to feel, taught to experience emotions in the moment, rather than retroactively, taught me it was ok & normal to do so.
  • After ten years together, seven years of marriage, she remains my foremost inspiration for everything I do.
  • We travel well together. This may seem odd in this list, but trust me, if you’ve ever traveled with someone who travels differently than you, it can be a nightmare. If you’re a “new” couple, I highly advise figuring this part of your relationship out earlier rather than later.
  • We have the freedom to try new things, to fail, to succeed because no matter what, I know she supports me and I support her.
  • We have fantastic communication. Those of you who know me well know that I can be difficult to communicate with sometimes – I’m not the best at sharing. While I’m sure Leah will roll her eyes and say “tell me about it”, there’s nothing I wouldn’t tell Leah, nothing I don’t tell Leah and vice versa. We work well because we know what’s going on with each other.
  • Good experience or bad, everything is made better by experiencing it with her. I know in my core it would be worse without her.
  • The sight of Leah across the room brings a smile to my face and quickens my heartbeat.

Happy Anniversary Leah! I love you!

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