An Adaptive Image Technique: Thinking out loud

I’ve been playing a lot with responsive layouts, and the inevitable bugbear of adaptive images for responsive designs. Ethan Marcotte’s Fluid Images is what I’ve been playing with most, particularly via Matt Wilcox’s Adaptive Images script, and dreaming of the <picture> solution proposed by Mat Marquis. But and so, I’ve been doodling and fooling around with some ways of doing this, and have now come up with something that I like. I’m worried it’s actually terrible, but I’ve played with it enough that I’d like some feedback now.

I’ve come up with a a CSS3-only solution to adaptive images. For those who just want to see the example, go ahead. You can view source for all the details. The 3-col/2-col content is purely presentational.

To do this technique, I have an image tag, like so:

<img id="image1" src="/transparent.png" data-src="/fishing.jpg" alt="Man fishing on a log" />

That displays a 1 x 1 px transparent image. The data-src attribute is there to show the “true” source. In the CSS, I make use of the background-image property to provide media-query-attentive backgrounds & sizing.

The default declaration is:

#image1 {
background: url('/images/responsive/fishing-small.jpg') top center no-repeat;

This is the “small device” version of the image. using media queries, I can also load in an hd/retina version for those devices:

@media only screen and (-webkit-device-pixel-ratio:2) {
#image1 {
background-image: url('/images/responsive/fishing-small.jpg')

I also can provide a mid-size version, a mid-size hd/retina version and a desktop version (or an infinite number of variations based on media queries).

@media only screen and (-webkit-device-pixel-ratio:2) and (min-width: 600px) {
#image1 {
background-image: url('/images/responsive/fishing-mid-retina.jpg')

To provide some fallback for IE users, I’ve included an IE-specific style:

<!--[if lt IE 9]>
#image1 {background-image: url('/images/responsive/fishing');width:100%;}

I like to start “mobile first” and use media-queries to “grow out” from there, but I could just as easily start with the largest version and work in – in which case the IE workaround wouldn’t be necessary.

Some of my thoughts on this technique

  • I like that this technique is really easy, really light-weight and doesn’t require any javascript or php.
  • The fact that I’m using a 1×1 transparent png fills me with the howling fantods as I remember spacer gifs.
  • Reusing a single tiny image all over the place has negligible bandwidth effects, but to be fair, I am making an “unnecessary” request to get it each time.
  • The data-src attribute is there to help with this. By default, things like Pinterest and Google Images could no longer grab your images with this technique (Whether that’s a good or bad thing, I leave to you). By leveraging a .htaccess rule, you could load in the data-src attribute as src for the pinterest or various bot user-agents.
  • This system could work pretty easily with automated CMS systems: using regex to replace a src attribute with a data-src attribute and injecting the 1×1 & an id is trivial, as is auto-generating some CSS to handle the variations of the image for each media-query break-point – but that’s definitely more work than not doing anything on the CMS -side and doing all replacements in JS or PHP on the front-end.
  • I like that I can easily update/replace any 1 image in the set without updating html source anywhere.
  • This feels “too easy” to me. All the other solutions I’ve found use some sort of scripting, be it PHP or JavaScript. That fact that there’s nothing to post to github here makes me feel like I’m doing something wrong.
  • Using background-image on images means that users can’t as easily download your image – right-click on an image and most browsers don’t give the option to “download background image” like they do on other elements.
  • I worry that this is doing something unexpected for accessibility – but mostly it should be ok, I think, as there’s an alt attribute, and will still work fine with a longdesc attribute.

I’m hoping for feedback on this for the world at large – as I said, I’m thinking out loud about this – it seems like a workable solution, so your feedback, thoughts, critique would be very much appreciated before I go do anything silly like use this in a client’s project.

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